Author Jealousy – Is it Necessary?

As a writer who’s wanted to be published since before I hit puberty, and still looking for the Holy Grail of writing  – the Three Book Contract – now I’m in my fifties, I have to confess to getting somewhat churlish when I hear some young bright thing’s first novel has been taken up by a trade…

Happy New Year

2015 has been a year of ups and downs for me personally. It’s a year when a great many changes and tragedies have entered my life. I could write about everything I wish for you in the coming year, but I think Neil Gaiman says it best. Fifteen Years ago, I wrote: May your coming…

guys and dolls gender

Watch Your Language and Ditch “you guys”

As writers, we understand the importance of language. We can ponder the use of one word over another or the structure of a sentence, in order to garner a certain emotion or response. That’s what we do. We take care over language, which is why a recent twitter post made me sit up and reassess.…

Read Better to Write Better

Believe it or not, I’ve met would be writers who don’t read. That’s like being a chef who doesn’t eat or a nudist fashion designer. It may sound extreme, but it’s true. You can’t write, if you don’t read. You cannot have one without the other. They are like light and dark. Reading is one…

It’s a Book…trailer

I was reading a discussion about book trailers and decided to check some out, online. I found one for Lane Smith’s It’s a Book, which is just charming and should speak to writers and readers everywhere.

Books that would never grace my shelves

I spend far too much of my time thinking about books I would like to read, am going to read, or have read and would read again if only there was time. I also think about the amount of books lying around the house and how maybe I should try harder to get rid of some…


CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR WRITERS With the price drop frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the Christmas shopping season is well and truly upon us. If there’s a writer in your life, you’ve come to the right place. This is our list of gifts for writers. Approved by the Writers Anon team, for what that’s…

Friday Funny – Writing is Better than Sex Infographic

We got sent an amusing infographic ’10 Reasons Why Writing is Better than Sex’, from Global English Editing. I’m not sure how far we’d get as writers, if we were all sexless, word obsessives, seeing as sex is a great motivation for obsession, jealousy, despair and Fifty Shades of Grey. I didn’t say it was all win…