Blade Runner 2049: a cyberpunk world of fembots and Asian window dressing

This is a two part critique, because I have a lot to say about Blade Runner 2049. Part 1: Blade Runner 2049 and cyberpunk’s obsession with Asian culture without the Asians I enjoyed Blade Runner 2049 and breathed a sigh of relief, as the slow, gorgeous cyberscapes unfolded before me, but the more I think…

rape in fictional worlds

Raping your Female Characters isn’t the Only Way to Depict a Harsh Fictional World

I recently had THAT conversation again; the one where I criticise a fictional world for gratuitous use of rape and sexual aggression against women, only for fans of said universe to defend it by telling me how it’s a harsh world and that’s what would happen. It’s a tiring conversation, so here’s why you don’t have to use rape to ensure your readers know your world is horrible.

Christmas gifts for writers

11 Christmas Gifts for Writers

Avoid novelty typewriter-based jewellery, such as cuff-links and get something a writer might actually use. We’ve scoured the web for 10 Christmas gift ideas you won’t be ashamed to give any writer.

6 Reasons Autumn is Good for Writers

It feels like autumn is here, which means writers have six good reasons to stay in and just write. Don’t despair, if you’ve had an unproductive summer. You’re not alone. Just remember that living life is important too and gives you fuel for the time you do spend writing.