Pixar’s 22 rules of storytelling

Anne sent me an email, reminding me of the pertinent points made in a blog post by Emma Coats, storyboard artist for Pixar, of Toy Story and Finding Nemo fame. Emma made a list of 22 she learnt about storytelling during her time at Pixar. And I think we’ll all agree that Pixar can tell a story. PBJ Publishing made the original blog post into a lovely infographic, now here for your viewing pleasure. Click on the image to enable zoom.


4 thoughts on “Pixar’s 22 rules of storytelling

  1. Pingback: PIXAR’S 22 RULES OF STORYTELLING–VISUALIZED | . . . . but tastefully

  2. Pingback: Pixar’s 22 rules of storytelling | Logic Fragments

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